The whole world will help


If you or your loved ones need urgent help, you can provide us with your name (or the name of another person) via the form below.

When thousands of people pray for one person, it is a powerful action which affects them instantly. Illnesses go away, family life and social affairs are adjusted in an amazing way.

To participate

Three times a week we pray for everyone who contacts us.

Everyone who contacts us will receive an email with a list of names of people who need help and your energy support. After you receive the email, you will need to pray (a prayer example is below) and remember each person on the list, wishing them health and well-being. After reading the prayer, write us a response letter, and we will know that you are ready to receive the next list of people in need. If we don't hear from you, we will not send you new letters.

- It is better to pray in a temple, no matter what religion you are.

- It is best to pray at the appointed hour.

    «The whole world will help»


    God help your children,
    Give them health and prosperity
    and forgive them their trespasses.
    List of names:

    That might be interesting


    Here you will learn how to change your own destiny. The basic tenets of the Pragma teachings (instructions on how to use our world). Here you will find your mentor.

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    Dr. Khardy
    Dr. Khardy
    02 December 2019

    Thanks a lot for everything!

    18 November 2019

    This year was very difficult for me: I lost my mother, divorced my wife, became isolated. When I realized that my friends ’advice didn’t work, and the psychologist’s sessions were just pumping money out, I decided to take a desperate step – write to the clairvoyant Yeshe-Dava. Honestly, I did not believe that he was someone that could help, but even answer. To my surprise, Yeshe-Dava wrote me the very next day, and from that moment on, my life changed. With his support, I gained confidence in myself, again I wanted to LIVE. Thanks for the good advice!

    17 October 2019

    I almost got married by mistake. How difficult it is when there is no person nearby with whom you can talk about everything. I wrote without much hope to the clairvoyant Dava, and honestly did not wait for an answer, but it came. And it was like a miracle, everything that happened was revealed in another in the real light! I express my heartfelt gratitude!

    28 September 2019

    I rarely turn to clairvoyants but I am always glad that there are such talented people!

    01 September 2019

    Six months ago, everything went wrong in my life: I was fired from my job, my wife left, taking our children with her, my friends turned away. Life for me at that moment lost all meaning. Once I came across an article on the Internet about the healer Yeshe-Dava. You know, I never believed in all this magic, sorcery, clairvoyance and the like. And so, it wasn’t, because of hopelessness I decided to write to him. Yeshe-Dava’s response made me open my eyes to many things and review my behavior. I reconciled with my wife, I found a good job, I finally figured out myself. Life began to improve.

    23 August 2019

    My marriage was falling apart: the husband started drinking badly. Although before the wedding, everything was just perfect. And then it seemed to be broken. I tried everything, I went to the doctors, nothing worked. Then I decided to try to contact the healers. I accidentally found Yeshe-Dava and wrote to him about my problem. The answer came the next day. Yeshe-Dava told what and how to do to rid my husband of this addiction. With his help, my beloved finally understood what he was doing to himself and our family. After talking with Yeshe-Dava, our family no longer has a problem with alcoholism.

    06 July 2019

    Usually 2-3 days. In a letter of up to 6 thousand characters, you can ask only the most important thing that you want to know.

    05 July 2019

    How long to wait for an answer? Can I ask two questions at once?

    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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